The labor market is set to experience the most dramatic changes that we have seen in over 100 years.
The new trends in the labor market will force governments, companies, institutions, and individuals to rapidly identify what thye need from the talent that is available. Having better assessment is going to be a key to those process. #Skills21 are difficult to measure and require a new way of thinking about an individual's potential and personal and professional development.
We are experiencing a paradigm shift in education from diplomas and degrees to skills acquisition and certification.
How does CLIC help?
Clic helps identify, develop, validate, and communicate skills by making these invisible set of skills visible and connecting “the disconnected.” It increases the chances of opening doors for jobs and personal growth through gamification, peer-to-peer interactions, and a community network. Specifically, Clic does the following:

skills with the patronage of academic rock stars!
skills with the patronage of academic rock stars!
skills with self-reporting, behavior, and peer endorsement
skills with self-reporting, behavior, and peer endorsement
skills by leveraging a personalized digital portfolio
skills by leveraging a personalized digital portfolio
a regional community network of peer-driven support and interaction
a regional community network of peer-driven support and interaction