New education for the new normal

Traditional education is not enough to prepare people for rapidly changing labor markets, challenged environments, and increasingly diverse societies. Non-traditional actors have led new trends in education and disrupted the markets.

Tech &

Technology is disrupting the world of education.
Still technology alone can’t transform education.

The power of curriculum to transform education: How education systems incorporate 21st century skills to prepare students for today’s challenges

Curriculum reform is at the top of the education agenda today. Skills gaps between what society and the labor market need and what formal systems of education and training provide are growing. The curriculum is the primary instrument for education systems to translate what society needs in terms of human capital, into specific content, competencies, and skills. This report examines how different education systems inside and outside Latin America and the Caribbean have incorporated 21st century skills in their curriculum, and the enabling conditions to translate the intended curriculum into a de facto curriculum in the classroom. How people are educated and trained today will determine whether countries in the region will be able to transform and provide greater prosperity and opportunities for all.



A World of Transformation: Moving from Degrees to Skills-Based Alternative Credentials

This report summarizes evidence suggesting a decrease in the value of degrees as a signaling mechanism in the labor market. It also identifies the benefits of alternative, non-degree credentials and makes recommendations on ways to increase their value and acceptance in the market. It remains to be seen whether non-degree alternative credentials are a short-term strategy to close the skills gaps and deal with the transition to adaptive and qualified labor, or a permanent strategy of human capital development.



What Technology Can and Can’t Do for Education?

With COVID-19, the world is currently engaging in the biggest distance learning experiment in history. In times of crisis, education depends on technology. This report examined how Finland, Korea, Uruguay, Estonia, and -to a lesser extent- United States engaged in EdTech reforms.



We believe in
disruptive innovation


How Do Disruptive Innovators Prepare
Today’s Students to be Tomorrow’s Workforce?

The Disruption Brief Series aims to understand new trends in education led by non-traditional actors. The series shows how these actors are disrupting the market and progressively occupying the spaces traditionally held by schools, universities, and formal education agencies. In this series, distinguished education experts and professionals share their insights and knowledge about these new models of education.

Scholas' Approach
to Engage Youth

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  • Desirée Denaro
    Project Assistant at Scholas Ocurrentes

Global Alumni's
E-Learning Revolution

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  • Pablo Rivas
    CEO, Global Alumni

Minerva’s Co-Op Model:
A Pathway To Closing The Skills Gap

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  • Diana Goldemberg
    Assistant Professor of Economics, Minerva Schools at KGI

  • James Genone
    Assistant Professor of Economics, Minerva Schools at KGI

  • Scott Wisor
    Assistant Professor of Economics, Minerva Schools at KGI

Descomplica and
Effective Remote Learning

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  • Marco Fisbhe
    CEO & Founder

  • Victor Sahate
    Chief Design and Brand Officer

  • Augusto Duarte
    Operations Director

Deep Learning: Transforming
Systems to Prepare Tomorrow’s Citizens

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  • Michael Fullan
    Global Director, NPDL

  • Joanne Quinn
    Global Director, NPDL

Holberton's Scalable Education for the Digital Economy

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  • Sylvain Kalache
    Holberton School Co-Founder & President

Coschool's Edumoción Centering The Emotion in Education

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  • Edward Sara-Kennedy
    Senior Coordinator, Coschool

The Power of Music Education: Unlocking the Talent of Latin American and Caribbean Youth


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  • Emma Näslund-Hadley
    Mercedes Mateo
    Emma Strother
    Danielle S. Parrillo

 Laboratoria’s Agile Learning Model


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  • Diego Vélez
    Gabriela Rocha
    Izabella Sant’Anna
    Regina Acher
    Macarena García
    Matías Hoyl
    Rodulfo Prieto