As a citizen of the 21st century,
you should be able to
Analyze and evaluate information in terms of its veracity, relevance, and substantiation.
Apply logical thinking and reasoning to analyze problems and choose the best solutions considering the weaknesses and strengths of each alternative solution.
Use available tools, such as information and reasoning, to address a problem or question and find a solution or answer.
Keep an informative and ethical commitment to information, digital technologies, and media content. Make a value judgment about the value of the tools we use to solve problems.
Evaluate available information to make the best possible decision. Question first before accepting things as they appear to be, as well as making your own judgment based on the facts, information and knowledge available.
Contribute to digital communities and social networks with verified, respectful, and ethical content.

- Identifying and determining the relationships between variables to understand a system, including identification of variables, hypothesis testing, and covariates control
- Troubleshooting, systems thinking, problem-solving, scientific reasoning, analysis
- Understanding of the underlying social, natural, and technological relationships in a system

- Drawing logical conclusions based on data, data analysis or evidence
- Deduction, induction, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, inference
- Data and information literacy: understanding data; finding and/or obtaining data; reading, interpreting, and evaluating data; managing data; and using data
- Avoiding bias (i.e., considering all available information, not only the ones that align with your point of view)

- Creating of a strategy, theory, method, or argument based on a synthesis of evidence
- Creating an argument that goes beyond available information
- Synthesis, dialectic debating, designing, planning
- Computational thinking: abstractions and pattern generalizations; systematic processing of information; symbol systems and representations; algorithmic notions of flow of control; structured problem decomposition (modularizing); iterative, recursive, and parallel thinking; conditional logic; efficiency and performance constraints; debugging and systematic error detection

- Judging the quality of content, information, procedures or solutions
- Being able to criticize a work product with respect to their credibility, relevance, and bias using a set of standards or specific framework
- Criticism, auditing, appraisal, authentication
Source: : Based on PEARSON Framework
(Ventura, Lai & DiCerbo, 2017).
21st century skills help individuals of all ages to reinvent themselves throughout life, adapt to changing and diverse circumstances, and identify opportunities for growth amid differences.