Skills for Life #Skills21
In this skill for life series of blogs, we will look at each one of the 20 skills that we consider critical to deal with a changing world full of uncertainties and those we prioritized in the 21st century Skills initiative. We will also share true embodiment voices and examples of a citizen with 21st century skills and an inspiration for our audience in Latin-American and the Caribbean. Read and learn more from our experts. Discover how you can practice these skills in your work and life, and how they are measured.
Disrupting Education and Economic Opportunities
The world is changing faster than ever before. The challenges that societies, economies and governments face are testing our ability to respond and adapt today. Education must be part of this transformation and respond to the needs of the new generations to provide creative responses to new problems and equip young people with tools that enable them to live in the midst of uncertainty. In the new blogs series, recognized experts will share more about the new trends in education and economic opportunities and how emerging actors are generating major disruptions to provide better opportunities for youth development and inclusion.
21st Century Skills Coalition | K-12 Digest Magazine special issue
This K-12 Digest special issue is a reflection of what the public and private sectors can learn from each other. It is a strong case for collaboration, based on the experience of the IDB 21st Century Skills Coalition. Only by strengthening the ecosystems with effective public-private partnerships can we bridge the massive skills gaps that we face. And only if the Latin American and Caribbean region bridges the talent gap, its countries will be able to prosper, innovate, and compete globally. In this section, we have gathered multiple insights from the coalition members that are leading projects in the region to reimagine education through a wide spectrum of initiatives.
Teachers' voices: first-line workers
Learn how award-winning, innovative teachers in Latin America have demonstrated great leadership, continued learning, and ensure that no student is left behind during the pandemic. This blog series is dedicated to recognizing and sharing 16 teachers’ inspiring stories and voices in the region, who have won the REDUCA Innovative Practices Award. Through the in-depth interviews, we seek to identify, share, and disseminate the innovative roles and practices of educators in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Find out how these teachers are nurturing students’ #Skills21 in and out of the classroom to ensure that children and young people in the region access inclusive, equitable, and quality public education.
#Skills21 in the context of COVID-19
Given the urgency and importance of #skills21 today, we have a blog series around COVID-19 where key actors from the field of education have shared their experience in response to the pandemic. Together, we will help to navigate this situation through a sequence of contributions that will include different perspectives. We address the relevance of #skills21 precisely in a context of crisis.